Monday, October 21, 2013

Oh, Sylvia

"The Heart"
by Alfredo Caceres

Every good story has two versions. Which would you prefer to hear, dear reader?

Sylvia finally found love and...

Sylvia took the scoundrel's beating heart and...

Birds of One Feather

Artist Unknown

Phineas woke up one Fall morning
To find the leaves turned brown and withered
He donned a sweater and a scarf
And human hands to keep him warm
At the wharf, he met a sage
Handless, hairless, and lined with age
"Fortune, fortune, will I read,"
Cried the sage, to mislead
Chirping and whirring with delight
Phineas agreed to pay any price
The sage raised his stumps, a dark, dark blight
And looked askance at Phineas, twice
"Fortune, fortune will I read,
For your warm mittens and a bead,"
The sage was sly, and Phineas simple
A devil's deal...if 'twere not for Kimpel
 Kimpel the Fisherman, young and wise
Had made a pledge to his mother dear
To protect the innocent from false scries
For to one, she lost her heart sincere
Throwing aside his fisher's creel,
A strong, firm hand did Kimpel use
To halt the lies, the steal, the deal
And stop a most unfortunate ruse
Cries and howls, unholy to hear
The sage let loose with a single tear
Phineas, simple and kind at heart
With his mittens did he gladly part
Alarmed by kindness, the sage did pause
As the cold shriveled the boy's poor claws
"Ye are good," the sage did say,
"I am changed, from this 'ere day."
Kimpel assessed and judged and nodded
Truth was told, redemption awarded
So the boy, the sage, and the fisherman together

Became fast friends, Birds of One Feather

The Lonely Year

Artist Unknown
I was rooted.  All my life, rooted to the ground.
I watched my leaves break off, fly or fall, and leave me.
I watched the birds on my branches, flock and fly, and leave me.
I watched my brothers cut down, uprooted and stolen, and leave me.
I was filled with this unnameable desire, to leave this ground
that felt lonelier and lonelier
every year.
So, every day, I worked my roots out of the ground, little by little.
It took me years, and with every ring that grew around my bark,
the ground released me inch by inch.
I grew taller and older, lonelier and lonelier,
but shook the earth from me, day by day.
Until one day, my roots tore free.
Now, I am free to leave.
I am free to follow my leaves.
I am free to follow the birds.
I am free to wander the earth.
I am free to be rootless.

Best Intentions

This blog is begun with the best intentions. Its purpose is to introduce me to the world, which is both thrilling and embarrassing.

I am, like so many others, an aspiring writer. I am too narrowly focused, too lazy, too respectful, too passionate, too [fill in the blank] to research trends. I write what I like, and I try to write without fear. And there's a lot of hope that readers will enjoy my work for what it is - good old-fashioned storytelling.

A few of my other blogs have died quiet deaths. So, like any good human, I'm going to harvest some of my old posts, stitch them onto this blog, and resurrect them here. I hope they go on to live long, prosperous lives.

I look forward to getting to know you, readers and fellow authors. And I hope you enjoy getting to know me.